Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)


Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) is a program through Moorhead Community Education for area families with young children. ECFE staff partner with parents to offer learning experiences for their children from birth to Kindergarten entry. The purpose of ECFE is to strengthen families and support parents in providing the best possible environment for the healthy growth and development of their children.

The family provides a child's first and most important learning environment. ECFE works to strengthen families and support parents in providing the experiences that promote healthy growth and development of all children. A variety of classes are offered that provide information, encouragement and support for you and your children.  

Early Childhood Family Education Information:

  • Families from Moorhead, Fargo, West Fargo and the surrounding areas are welcome to attend.

  • Scholorships are available to qualifying Moorhead School District Families.

  • All ECFE classes are led by licensed, experienced teachers.

  • Classes are for families with children from birth to kindergarten entry.

  • Easy online registration.


Joelle Hofer, Early Childhood Coordinator

Joelle Hofer
Early Childhood Coordinator

Phone: 218-284-3400
Attendance: 218-284-3401