School Readiness Programs
Jump Start Preschool, a School Readiness program of Moorhead Area Public Schools, offers age-appropriate activities, curriculum and assessment for 3, 4, and 5-year-old children living in the school district. Jump Start classes also include circle time, snack, art, gym and learning centers. This is a collaborative venture with Early Intervention Services. Children working on special areas of development will participate with typically developing peers. Licensed early childhood teachers are supported by classroom assistants and Early Intervention Services teachers.
The district's Jump Start Preschool has the highest four-star rating from Parent Aware, a rating tool designed to help parents find child care and early education providers committed to school readiness.
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Jump Start Preschool
Students in Jump Start will develop language and literacy, mathematical and social skills needed for success as they enter kindergarten. Jump Start uses a research-based, highly respected early childhood curriculum called High Scope, which emphasizes active participatory learning. Active learning means students have hands-on experiences with people, objects, events and ideas. Students also learn to plan many of their own activities, carry them out and talk with others about what they have done and learned.
Jump Start teachers continually monitor all students' growth in pre-literacy areas of vocabulary, rhyming and alliteration. Students receive a solid foundation of literacy skill building within the regular curriculum. Focused small group time is provided for students who may need extra support in any of the literacy areas.
Parents/guardians may enroll their children in Jump Start Preschool through Moorhead Community Education. Register by returning the completed Jump Start registration contract to Community Education at 2410 14th St. S., Moorhead or register online.
The MAPS Early Learning Centers Class Opportunities includes more information about schedules, fees and program policies.
Jump Start Preschool classes fill quickly. If a class is full, your child will be placed on a waiting list, and you will be contacted when a spot becomes available. For more information about Jump Start Preschool call 218-284-3400.

Keys to Kindergarten
Keys to Kindergarten, a School Readiness program of Moorhead Area Public Schools, is a free program that offers families important school readiness activities to improve children's academic, social and emotional skills. It is open to children in the Moorhead Area Public Schools who will be starting kindergarten in the fall.
During the Keys to Kindergarten sessions, the parents and children first participate in classroom activities. Then parents attend a parent session while children participate in school readiness activities with the classroom teacher. Topics for children include letter sounds and recognition, rhyming words, colors and shapes, counting and number recognition, following directions, listening skills, interacting with peers, sorting objects, syllable awareness, making logical predictions and other essential skills.
Contact Moorhead Community Education at 218-284-3400 for more information or to register for upcoming Keys to Kindergarten sessions.