Meet Our Principals

Principal Carla Smith
Carla Smith is principal at Ellen Hopkins Elementary. Prior to this role, she served as principal at Probstfield Elementary, principal of the online Spud Academy from 2019-2021 and principal of Horizon Middle School West from 2017-2019. She also served as principal at S.G. Reinertsen from 2015-2017 and assistant principal from 2014-2015. She previously taught seventh grade language arts and fourth grade in the district.
She studied at Minnesota State University Moorhead and has her bachelor's degree in university studies. Smith received her master’s degree in teaching from the University of St. Thomas. She loves working with students, families and teachers to create a safe and welcoming environment. She and her husband, Brady, have two children and two dogs. Principal Smith is also a mixed media artist and loves reading, planting and hunting for vintage treasures.

Assistant Principal Erika Engelking
Erika Engelking is the assistant principal at Ellen Hopkins Elementary. She previously served as assistant principal at Probstfield Elementary and Robert Asp Elementary. Prior to joining Moorhead Area Public Schools, Engelking served as an elementary school teacher, instructional coach and assistant principal interim for Fargo Public Schools. Engelking completed her undergraduate work in elementary education, with an emphasis in math education, as well as her master’s degree in school administration from Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Engelking is passionate about learning and strongly believes in growing and developing learners who are curious and excited to learn through investigation and exploration. She also highly values partnerships with students, staff and families, which is the core value in making and maintaining a positive school culture. Engelking has three daughters. During her free time, she enjoys watching her daughters’ activities, playing soccer and spending time at the lake.