Meet Our Principals

Principal Josh Haag

Principal Josh Haag

Josh Haag is the 9-12 principal including Moorhead Alternative Learning Center (formerly Red River Area Learning Center). He started in this position in 2021. Haag was principal of Moorhead Alternative Learning Center and Career Academy since 2019. He earned his bachelor’s degree in elementary education from the University of Minnesota Morris. Haag taught middle school math and social studies for five years in Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley before moving into an administrative role in Sebeka. He earned his master’s degree in educational leadership along with his principal and superintendent license from Minnesota State University Moorhead. He served as an assistant principal and activities director in Sebeka for six years before coming to Moorhead. Haag was an assistant principal at Moorhead High School for seven years prior to being hired as the principal of alternative learning and the new Career Academy. Josh resides in Moorhead with his wife, Bekah, and their three children, Deacon, Aubrey and Marryn.

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Craig Fahrendorf

Assistant Principal Craig Fahrendorf

Craig Fahrendorf is the assistant principal at Moorhead Alternative Learning Center. Fahrendorf received his bachelor’s degree from Minnesota State University Moorhead and his master’s degree from St. Mary’s University. He taught special education for eight years and alternative education for four years. Fahrendorf has been teaching at Horizon Middle School for 13 years. He has served as the middle school athletic director and coordinator of the mid-level summer program. Outside of school, Fahrendorf enjoys being outdoors and spending time with his wife and four children.

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