About Our K-12 Instructional Program
The district's instructional program offers curriculum that establishes the knowledge and skills to be taught in each subject at each grade level and develops benchmarks and objectives to assure student achievement and progress. When students finish their education they will be knowledgeable and proficient in traditional basic academic skills, as well as effective communicators, decision makers and users of technology. In addition, Minnesota has adopted academic standards in the areas of language arts, mathematics, the arts, social studies and science. State standards were developed and revised through a committee and public hearing process and presented to the legislature for approval.
All of our students receive instruction in the core curriculum areas:
social studies
In addition, students are taught to think creatively, solve problems and work collaboratively. These are just some of the 21st century learning skills integrated in our teaching that are essential for students to develop their maximum potential.

Elementary School
Students experience one-on-one, small-group and whole class learning opportunities with teachers who know their students' needs. Specialists provide instruction in art, music, physical education, media and technology to further enrich the curriculum.
To read more specifics, Course Descriptions and Planning Guide and Curriculum Guides can be located in the documents section of your elementary school.

Middle School
Students attend core classes in grade-level teams. Each team has its own space with core classrooms, common areas and team offices. This design provides a more personalized education for students and meets the needs of students as they transition from one education level to the next.
To read more specifics, Course Descriptions and Planning Guide and Curriculum Guides can be located in the documents section of Horizon Middle School.

High School
Through tailored curriculum, students gain the necessary skills to meet Minnesota's graduation standards. Activities, including arts, academic, special interest or athletic groups, allow students to continue learning outside the classroom. Students prepare for post-secondary educational options or to enter the workforce.
To read more specifics, Course Descriptions and Planning Guide and Curriculum Guides can be located in the documents section of Moorhead High School.
English Learner Programs
Moorhead Area Public Schools views multilingualism as an asset, and it is our goal and intention to honor the culture and language of the student’s home. The desired outcome of our English Learner programs is not to replace one language with another, but instead to provide access to and success with the curriculum of the school by supporting development of English as an additional language. Learn more in the Language Instruction Educational Program plan document.
Reading Well by 3rd Grade
Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to improving academic achievement for all students. Our teachers and staff members work together to provide students with the skills and knowledge necessary to be college and career ready. The cornerstones of our strategic plan focus on teacher effectiveness, consistent standards-based curriculum and literacy. The Reading Well Plan supports our strategic priorities by outlining actions to ensure literacy success for all students.
Through a collaborative process involving representatives from across the district, Moorhead Area Public Schools developed its Reading Well by 3rd Grade Plan, which follows guidelines provided by the Minnesota Department of Education. The plan is updated each school year.
Additional High School Information
Page Tags: PSEO, Post-Secondary Enrollment Options, Graduation Requirements