Operations and Emergency Management
The Operations and Emergency Management Department is responsible for Transportation, Facilities and Emergency Management.
Facilities is responsible for providing custodial support, and preventive and corrective maintenance to Moorhead Area Public Schools' buildings, grounds, mechanical and electrical equipment. Facilities also provides project management for capital outlay and long-term facilities maintenance projects and manages the monitoring of environmental hazards in the district buildings.
Solar Energy Program
Through the Minnesota Department of Commerce Department Solar for Schools program, Moorhead Area Public Schools received $714,000 in grants to install (7) 40kW solar arrays at our schools. The installation was done through a partnership with iDEAL Energies Solutions. Solar arrays are installed on the following schools:
Horizon West Middle School (operational in 2023)
Probstfield Elementary School (operational in 2023)
Solar arrays are installed, but awaiting final approval from the State of MN to operate at:
Dorothy Dodds Elementary School
MHS Career Academy
MHS Sports Center
SGR Elementary School
Horizon East Middle School
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
The health, comfort and learning environment of students and staff are important aspects of Moorhead Area Public Schools mission. Indoor Air Quality is a critical component of providing a healthy and comfortable learning environment. The objectives of the IAQ program are:
Reduce the levels of indoor air pollutants through preventive measures such as routine maintenance activities, periodic building evaluations and inspections, and IAQ-specific policies
Provide and maintain adequate air exchanges by maintaining ventilation equipment
Respond to IAQ-related concerns and problems in a thorough and prompt manner, through investigation, documentation, and effective communication
Plan and program long-term facility maintenance projects for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and controls to ensure HVAC systems are maintained and upgraded to ensure good indoor air quality
Water Quality
Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to providing a safe working and learning environment for employees and students. The district has developed a lead in the water testing plan that complies with Minnesota Statute 121A.335.
Moorhead Area Public Schools will follow the recommendations of the Minnesota Department of Health’s “Reducing Lead in Drinking Water: A Technical Guidance and Model Plan for Minnesota’s Public Schools.” The goal in following this guidance is to reduce lead levels at water taps to as close to 0 parts per billion as feasible, but not to exceed 20 parts per billion at any tap at any time.
Minnesota Statute 121A.335 requires school districts to test every five years for the presence of lead in drinking water in school buildings serving kindergarten through grade 12 students.
Testing in 2023 at Dorothy Dodds Elementary, Horizon West Middle School and Horizon East Middle School found no water sources exceeded the 20 parts per billion limit.
Testing in 2022 at Ellen Hopkins Elementary, Moorhead High School, Moorhead High School Career Academy, Vista Center for Education, Probstfield Elementary and S.G. Reinertsen Elementary found no water sources exceeded the 20 parts per billion limit.
Testing in 2022 at Robert Asp Elementary, found one (1) fixture that exceeded the 20 parts per billion limit and it was immediately removed from service and replace and are now in compliance.
Pest Control Notice
Moorhead Area Public Schools applies non-restricted herbicide to control dandelions and broadleaf weeds at school sites throughout the City of Moorhead. Moorhead Area Public Schools sprays during the month of June after school is out. Additionally, athletic fields are scheduled to be sprayed on June 1, July 15, August 1, September 15, and October 15. Actual dates will depend on weather conditions, but will generally be within a week of these dates. Spraying takes place only when conditions are appropriate for the application and are applied only by contractors who are certified herbicide applicators by the State of Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
Turf areas that have been sprayed are posted with a notice at the time of application and remain posted for 24 hours. Moorhead Area Public School maintenance staff will notify each school's administration office at the time of application if any spraying is done during school hours.
Moorhead Area Public Schools does not apply any herbicides or pesticides listed as restricted chemicals by the US Department of Agriculture on neighborhood parks or school property. Only non-restricted herbicides, available to the public, are used for these applications.
For more information, call 218-284-1445.
Building Usage Requests
The Moorhead School Board encourages use of school facilities and equipment for appropriate community purposes, if in its judgment, that use does not interfere with use of school purposes. Click here to read more on the building use school board policy.
Emergency Management
Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to the safety and preparedness of its students, staff and visitors. Emergency Management is responsible for the development, maintenance, and implementation of the Moorhead Area Public Schools Emergency Operations Plan to ensure the district is organized, trained and equipped to respond to threats, hazards, emergencies or disasters.

Jose Rodriguez
Supervisor, Custodial Services
Call: 218-284-1440

Steve Moore
Executive Director of Operations and Emergency Management
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