Special Services
Moorhead Area Public Schools is committed to meeting the individual learning needs of all students by offering a full range of educational programs. A variety of educational programs meet the needs of most students, however, some students require a special program.
Students with conditions that modify or restrict their development and education receive special services and/or individual help in the regular classroom, through individualized instruction in a resource room, or in special classes. The district offers special services for students with a wide range of learning disabilities, emotional-behavioral disorders and mental and physical impairments. Services include: Occupational therapy, speech and language services, and vision and hearing impaired programs to name a few.
Read the Total Special Education System (TSES) Plan for Moorhead Area Public Schools.
Our department oversees a wide variety of programs to ensure that all students receive the support needed to reach their full academic potential.
Social Work
School Social Work's mission is to promote academic success by reducing social, emotional, economic, and environmental barriers to learning.
School Social Workers provide a vital link among the school, home and community. School Social Workers provide direct services to students and their families including casework, group work and classroom presentations. School social workers also provide crisis intervention, consultation and make referrals to community agencies.
School Social Workers are part of the assessment process for special education students. Often providing direct and indirect services to those students. School Social Workers consult with teachers and administrators and frequently participate on teams within the schools.
Visit the Moorhead Area Public Schools Social Workers website for important resources related to social work in our schools.