by Brian Cole
The total student population in the Moorhead Area Public Schools almost doubled between 1958 and 1968: increasing from 3,939 in 1958 to 7,539 in 1968. This substantial growth led to several new building projects and remodels during this period. In 1960 the following elementary schools were open and in use: Georgetown, Sabin, Hopkins (first ward), Lincoln, Washington, Sharp, Park, Riverside and Edison. All junior high students in 1960 went to either North Junior High or South Junior High. The high school students used both the building on 8th street, which was referred to as the West Building (Townsite), and the Central Junior High, which was referred to as the East Building.
In the early 1960s, the city of Moorhead’s growth was to the south of where Interstate 94 would be built. The district owned three tracts of land in south Moorhead and the school board spent several years trying to decide which location would be the best on which to build a new elementary school. Up for consideration was a lot in the Morningside area, a lot just north of the Moon-Lite Drive-In movie theater (located on highway 75 across from the current Hornbacher’s) and a lot on the southeast corner of 24th Avenue and 14th Street South. The school board decided on the latter, and Probstfield Elementary School opened in the fall of 1966. This would be the last elementary school built in Moorhead until 2004—when S.G. Reinertsen opened.
In addition to needing another building to house elementary students, the district was looking to increase the number of classrooms in its current roster of buildings. In January of 1960, the district passed a building referendum that allowed them to add onto several elementary schools in the district. This remodeling project resulted in a total of 42 elementary classrooms (16 at Edison, 16 at Washington, 10 at Riverside) being built as well as a small gym at the Park School.
The school board passed a resolution in the spring of 1967 stating that the district would begin offering kindergarten as part of its curriculum beginning in the fall of 1967. Up until that time all instruction in kindergarten was offered through local daycares, churches or the preschool program at Moorhead State Teachers College (now MSUM). During the initial year of offering kindergarten, there was a severe shortage of classroom space. So much in fact, that the majority of kindergarten classes were held off site in the following places: Sabin Catholic Church, Georgetown Lutheran, Good Shepherd, Trinity Lutheran and Our Redeemer Lutheran. A bond referendum was passed in December of 1968 that provided kindergarten rooms in most elementary schools: Edison, Lincoln and Riverside received two rooms each; Sharp and Sabin received one; and Washington received four. Georgetown received one kindergarten room and two elementary classrooms and Probstfield received two classrooms that would be used for future growth. Additionally, Lincoln received a small gymnasium that is still in use today as a performing arts space for Theatre B.
One elementary school was closed during this period. The initial Hopkins School, located near the Hjemkomst Museum, was demolished as part of the Urban Renewal program. The 1966-67 school year was the last year Hopkins was in session.
Between 1958 and the spring of 1967, all Moorhead junior high students attended either North or South Junior High Schools. These buildings are still in use today as Robert Asp (North) and Ellen Hopkins (South) Elementaries. In the fall of 1967 a third building, Central Junior High School, was added to this slate of junior high schools. This building had many uses during its years of service to our community. From 1937 to 1957 it was Moorhead’s only junior high building. From the fall of 1957 to 1967 it was referred to as the East High School Building and housed primarily sophomores. From the fall of 1967 until 1979 it was Central Junior High School.
The most visible change during this period was the opening of the “new” Moorhead Senior High School in the fall of 1967. The bond to build the new high school passed in 1964 on the fourth attempt by the school board. The three previous attempts to pass bonds had failed by substantial margins and much work was done by a community task force to earn the support of the district’s voters.
Initially, the school board attempted to pass a bond that would have kept the high school in the central part of town. By purchasing an entire city block, the board hoped to build a three-story addition directly east of the 8th Street high school (today’s Townsite Centre). Had this plan succeeded, the high school would have had three buildings. The 8th Street building had been used as classroom space along with a remodel for automotive and technical learning. The new three-level addition would have served as the academic wing as well as having a cafeteria. And the West Campus (Central Junior High) would have continued to be used for its gymnasium and some classroom space. The artist’s rendering of the proposed structure shows almost no parking, no athletic fields and only one music rehearsal room.
Following significant community input, the school board relinquished their vision for a high school in the center of town and agreed to build a new high school “out east” on land that was purchased from the Northern Pacific Railroad for $125,000. The groundbreaking was held in April of 1966 and construction began that month. When completed in the fall of 1967, the new Moorhead Senior High School had more square footage than the junior high schools combined and was touted as the region’s “most modern building for public instruction.”