Jose Rodriguez & family

As temperatures drop and we start to head toward the holiday season, you might notice a new face at the Moorhead Area Public Schools Operations Center. The district is pleased to announce that Jose Rodriguez has been promoted to Supervisor of Custodial Services.

Jose is in his 17th year with MAPS, starting as a bus driver for the district. In 2016 he became the lead night custodian at Ellen Hopkins Elementary. In 2020, Jose moved to Robert Asp Elementary to become head custodian, where he stayed until his move to the district office this fall.

“I love helping kids, whether it’s directly or indirectly,” said Rodriguez. “So I love the opportunity here to facilitate the work of the custodial staff across the district. Our work ensures that the teachers can do their jobs and the kids can really enjoy coming to school every day.”

In his free time, Jose loves spending time with his family: his wife, Estela—who is a lunchroom monitor at Robert Asp—and his children Jose, Ezekiel, Yesenia and Zoey, ages 7 through 16. He enjoys a twist on game time with the family, where they take existing games and make up new rules. Playing with their young dog, Marshmallow, a shepherd-lab mix, is a favorite activity for the Rodriguez family as well.

MAPS is excited to welcome Jose to the Operations Center. His skills and experience will contribute to the success of custodial staffs at buildings across the district.