Late in 2024, construction continued in the future Black Box theater as crews finished the structure of the area’s west wall while ground-level work progressed for the auditorium in preparation for major installations.
Combined with the walls shown in our November update, the snow on the ground makes it easier to see how crews built up the stage area in the auditorium space and further shaped the slope in the seating area.
In early December, work on the auditorium’s massive east wall began. You can see the large wall segments being trucked in, where the crane picks them up to place them sequentially starting at the existing MHS exterior wall. Later, work on the west wall and the upper stage area started to define the shape of the room heading into the new year.
Phase 2 is scheduled to open in phases during the 2025-26 school year.
Thank you for joining us for this Moorhead High School Construction Project Phase 2 update; stay tuned to our website and social channels for future updates!