SGR administration with Zhemanne and Katy

With the entire first grade class at S.G. Reinertsen Elementary packed into their maker space, Moorhead Area Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brandon Lunak presented the Spud Spirit Award for March 2025 to SGR first grade teachers Katy Miller and Zhemanne Tahir.

Dr. Lunak surprised the teachers when he called them out of the crowd to join him and receive their awards in front of all six first grade classes, eliciting a huge round of applause from their colleagues and the assembled students.

For Ms. Miller, he told everyone that her nominator said she “goes above and beyond not only to ensure her students receive high-quality, targeted instruction but to create a positive learning environment for all students. She builds positive relationships with her students and their families and creates a powerful partnership in which parents, students and the school are members of the child's education.”

Turning to Mrs. Tahir, he shared that her nominator called her “exactly the type of teacher that every parent hopes their child will get. Just walking into her classroom, the love and true depth of care and compassion she has for students floods around a person like a warm blanket. She is kind and patient even with the 4 million ‘why's’ the kids flood her with on a daily basis.”

Dr. Lunak also shared stories about how each teacher took the time to support individual students. With Ms. Miller, he talked about when she took time out of her own weekend to attend the track meet of one of her students who had invited her to cheer him on. For Mrs. Tahir, Dr. Lunak shared how she intervened in a situation where one of her students was on the receiving end of some unkind words—both supporting the student in question and educating the other students involved on the consequences of things they say.

Katy and Zhemanne’s continuous, empathetic work on behalf of their students is highly representative of the district’s mission to develop the maximum potential of every student to thrive in a changing world.

The Spud Spirit Award is a recognition program that honors MAPS staff who live by the district mission to develop the maximum potential of every learner to thrive in a changing world and showcase our Spud Spirit statements:

  • S

    tudents, staff, parents, families, and the Moorhead community

  • P

    assionate, engaged, innovative, and growing in safe environments

  • U

    nique, worthy, respectful, and relationship-based

  • D

    iversity enriches our school and community

  • S

    tewards of the public’s trust in effective and efficient operations

Spud Spirit Award nominations are made by staff, student families and community members.