Groundbreaking ceremony

Shovels pierced the earth, marking the official start to construction on Moorhead High School. This project is a community-wide effort to reimagine the high school experience for Moorhead students.

Superintendent Dr. Brandon Lunak said “This journey has been in process for a long time and has involved many community members and Spud team members. Over the past several years, Moorhead Area Public Schools has engaged in community-based initiatives that have defined the educational future for Moorhead schools.”

Speakers at the groundbreaking included Superintendent Dr. Brandon Lunak, Moorhead High School Principal Dave Lawrence, Moorhead School Board Member Cassidy Bjorklund, Moorhead High School Junior Martan Gregoire and City Councilmember Chuck Hendrickson. 

In November, 2019 the Moorhead community passed a $110M bond referendum to fund the project. The groundbreaking ceremony kicked off the four year construction of Moorhead High. Rebuilding Moorhead High is a piece in a larger plan. This transformational plan also includes the Moorhead High School Career Academy, which opens fall 2021.

Quick Stats


  • 1,100 tons of steel (2,200,000 lbs.)

  • 11 staircases

  • 650 doors

  • 30% of exterior wall is glazing (glass)

Capacity (approximations)

  • Academic: 2,100 students

  • Gym: 3,000 seats

  • Theater: 1,000 seats

  • Pool: 300 seats

Square Footage

  • Total Building: 428,820 SF

  • Core Academic: 146,425 SF

  • Performing Arts: 42,240 SF

  • Athletics: 95,116 SF

As Moorhead Area Public Schools embarks on this project, the district embraces the rich history and legacy that Moorhead High has built. Moorhead Schools also embraces the vision of the future of education.

Moorhead High Junior, Martan Gregoire expressed his gratitude to attendees. “We are the future of this city. This community. This region. So I want to now say thank you. Thank you for investing in us. Thank you for investing in our futures.”

Here is a brief taste of the project vision:

  • Moorhead High School will create and implement a shared vision and academic program that results in all students having the skills, attributes and abilities to be successful when they graduate from high school.

  • Moorhead High School will design a learning environment where each student is included and has a sense of belonging.

  • Moorhead High School will utilize Small Learning Communities to increase student success and personal connections by making a large school smaller.

  • Moorhead High School will develop a teaching and learning approach that offers flexibility in the ways students access material, engage with it and show what they know.

  • Moorhead High School will partner with industry, business and higher education to design and implement an Academy Model that will provide students with applied learning experiences that readies them for a career and/or college.

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