May distance learning homework winners

Congratulations to Laila and Vincent, who are 2 of our 11 winners for the top distance learning hours for the month of May. They are pictured here with their teacher, Rebecca Lee-Hunt, who both sets them up with access to the online homework platform and supports them. Several of the other students in her class also reached their personal best for the number of hours engaged in study on an online platform.

Other winners this month include: Kylie's students (Rehaina K. and Aveen G.); Mellisa's students (Shamso A. and Abdishakur A.); Jeremy's students (Nareman, Ariana P. and Jaime); Casey and Matt's students (Miguel V. and Tessa B.). Winners should come to the office to claim your prize. We are proud of you all!

Students enrolled at all levels of Moorhead Adult Education have the option to add online homework platforms to their learning plans. These distance learning programs are offered in the areas of academic, digital literacy, and career pathways. Speak to your teacher to get access to a program that is the best fit for you. There will be new winners announced each month.