The Book Truck at a park

What is The Book Truck?

 The Book Truck is a seasonal bookmobile that visits neighborhoods and community events in the Dilworth and Moorhead area, providing a wide variety of books for check-out for all age groups. The Book Truck is a community project funded by LARL and generous community donors.

Where can I return my library books?

 Library books can be returned to any LARL book return. This includes the book returns at the Moorhead Public Library, the book return outside of the Azool Hornbacher's, or at any of the 22 LARL locations in the seven county area. You may also return books at The Book Truck.

How can I check out books from The Book Truck?

 Anyone with a LARL card can check out books from The Book Truck. If you live in Clay County, fill out a library card application online, at a Book Truck stop, or at your local library. You must be 18 years of age and must provide proof of address to obtain a library card. 

 Apply for a Free Library Card Here