Robert Asp Elementary

Asp Families,

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Wow, what a great Walk-A-Thon last week! A huge shout out to our PTAC, our PE teachers, our classroom teachers, our students, and you, our families! We can’t thank you enough for the time, energy, and donations. We had so many smiles, so many laughs, and so many LAPS!! Just incredible, so thank you! We’re still tabulating all of the laps, miles, and winners, and plan to have that information shared this week. In the meantime, ask your child if they remember how many laps their class completed so you can hear how amazing they did, as well as figure out how many miles they walked/ran as a class (our track is a 200 m track, so every 8 laps is one mile). Also, there is still time to donate today! Our next PTAC meeting is Thursday, October 10 from 6-7 pm, so add that to your calendar because we’d like to discuss ideas for ways to support our students with these funds! Thank you! 

And in other notes:

  • Conferences: Family/Teacher conferences are coming up in a couple of week. Please look for a message in your email this week from the district with information on how to sign up online. Conferences are from 4:00-7:30 pm on Mon, Oct 14, and Tue, Oct 15, and then from 8:00-11:30 am on Wed, Oct 16. Please call the office (218-284-6300) if you need assistance or have any questions AFTER trying to sign up on your own. Thanks!

  • PTAC: Our PTAC is looking for help during conferences. First, they host our Book Fair during the conference times in our Media Center, which is awesome, but we’re looking for volunteers. If you and your child would like to help, please sign up for a time. Scholastic dollars available for helping! Second, they love to host a meal for our teachers during one of the long conference days as well. This year they are hosting a Spud Bar for our teachers on Monday afternoon/evening. If you’d be willing to help out, please sign up here. Our staff appreciates it greatly!!!

  • Homecoming: It’s homecoming week! Here’s the list of dress up days for Asp. The parade will be this Friday at 4:30 and like always, we’ll have a group of staff members walking and tossing candy, so look for them to wave “Hi!”

  • Weekly Focus: Empathy, the ability to understand how others feel, is our focus this week. Being empathetic allows us to build and keep friendships, show kindness, and treat others with respect.

  • Capital Projects Levy: Please check out the latest levy information graphic to learn more about the 2024 Moorhead Area Public Schools Capital Projects Levy.

  • CPR/First Aid in Spanish: Speak Spanish? Interested in being certified in CPR and First Aid? Check out this PDF for more information!

It’s a great week for Homecoming activities! Have an awesome day!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Knutson, principals