Robert Asp Elementary

Asp Families,

What a great week of Homecoming! Students and staff had a blast with the dress up days during the week and kids loved having MHS students (former Asp students) help out in PE last Friday. Then the parade was awesome and the game was, too! Overall it was an awesome week!

In other news:

  • Weekly Focus: We’re focusing again on empathy, the ability to understand how others feel, is our focus this week. Being empathetic allows us to build and keep friendships, show kindness, and treat others with respect.

  • Conferences: Family/Teacher conferences are coming up next week. You should have received a message in your email last week from the district with information on how to sign up online through PowerSchool. Conferences are from 4:00-7:30 pm on Mon, Oct 14, and Tue, Oct 15, and then from 8:00-11:30 am on Wed, Oct 16. Please call the office (218-284-6300) if you need assistance or have any questions AFTER trying to sign up on your own. Thanks!

  • PTAC: Our next PTAC meeting is this week!!! We’ll meet on Thursday, October 10, from 6-7 pm in the Asp Media Center and everyone is welcome!! We’ll have someone from the district office to talk about the upcoming Levy vote, reflect on the Walk-A-Thon, and some ideas moving forward. Additionally, like we noted last week, our PTAC is looking for help during conferences. First, they host our Book Fair during the conference times in our Media Center, which is awesome, but we’re looking for volunteers. If you and your child would like to help, please sign up for a time. Scholastic dollars available for helping! Second, they love to host a meal for our teachers during one of the long conference days as well. This year they are hosting a Spud Bar for our teachers on Monday afternoon/evening. If you’d be willing to help out, please sign up here. Our staff appreciates it greatly, thank you!

  • Capital Projects Levy: Please check out the latest levy information graphic to learn more about the 2024 Moorhead Area Public Schools Capital Projects Levy. And if you want to learn more in person, attend our PTAC meeting this week!

  • Lost & Found: Missing a sweatshirt? Can’t find a raincoat? Wondering how your child came home with only one shoe? Solve all of these mysteries and more at our Lost & Found! Check out this note with pictures regarding these items.

  • Substitutes: Interested in earning some cash? Love working with kids? Have some free time during the school day now that all of your kids are in school? If yes, consider signing up on our district website to be a substitute! We have sub needs for every position within our school, including: teachers, paraprofessionals, kitchen staff, lunchroom supervisors, custodians, etc. And if full-time is your hope, we have positions in the district as well!

Have an awesome week!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Knutson, principals