ASP Family Note

Asp Families,

Welcome to November! We hope everyone has recovered from the holiday last week, as well as the time change! We have another busy week, so let’s get to it!

  • Weekly Focus: This week we’re focusing on gratitude by talking about the good things, people, and experiences in our lives and why they are important!

  • StoryPalooza: StoryPalooza week has arrived! We have our first evening Family Engagement event of the year, StoryPalooza!! Kids and families have loved this event in the past so much that we’re excited to bring it back! This is another no cost event in which everyone is welcome! It will be on Thursday, November 7, from 5:30-7:00 pm at Asp!

  • Fill the Dome: Our K-Kids leadership group will be leading the charge for the annual F-M food drive again this year. Start stocking up on non-perishable items that can be donated, and watch for future communication. It’s likely we’ll have some friendly competition to encourage students and kids to donate to this wonderful event!

  • Election Day: This Tuesday, November 5, is Election Day. The district levy is on the ballot that day, along with plenty of other state and national offices. We encourage everyone to vote.

Finally, we’d like to thank all of you! More than 85% of our families attended conferences a couple of weeks ago, which is awesome. We also have so many of our students regularly making great choices and/or learning from mistakes, which is great. Finally, we have heard so many instances of great collaboration and communication between home and school for the benefit of the kids, which is awesome. We can’t thank you enough for working with your child(ren) and us!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Knutson, principals