ASP Weekly Family Note

Asp Families,

Happy Thanksgiving week! We only have two days of school this week due to the holiday, so we’ll get right to it:

  • No School: As noted above, there is no school Wednesday through Friday this week.

  • Weekly Focus: Happiness and Gratitude will be the focus this short week

  • Cold Weather Gear: It’s now that time of year when you should plan on sending your kid in or with their weather gear every day. We have a number of coats that have been donated, in a variety of sizes, so please reach out to your child’s teacher if they need gear. On the flip side, if you have some gently used gear that’s in good enough shape to donate, we’d love it! We would take anything, but we really could use some waterproof gloves to provide to our students in need.

  • E-Learning: As a district we will once again have up to 5 E-Learning Days. These would be the first option on traditional “Snow” Days. If it looks like weather is going to cancel school in person for the day, we’ll send chromebooks home with the students (but not power cords), along with a paper copy of some work to do. We’ll explain more in-depth if needed, but we wanted it on your radar.

  • Fill the Dome: We had an AMAZING week collecting food for the Fill the Dome. Our K-Kids Leadership group was busy, especially on Friday. We’re going to announce winning classes and our total amount donated on Tuesday. In the meantime, a huge THANK YOU to everyone who was able to help out!

As we roll into Thanksgiving, we are incredibly thankful and grateful for all of the staff here at Asp. It is a staff who care deeply about each and every student and their families. They are amazing and we are grateful they are working with your kids!

Have a great holiday break!!!

Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Knutson, principals