Hello Dodds Families
We have made some updates to our Summer Y Registration taking into account Moorhead School District’s extended summer school dates this year. Attached you will see we are offering a special summer rate for students who are attending summer classes. There is a contract rate (through the full summer of June 7th-August 27th) or non-contract rate (able to un-enroll with a 4 weeks’ notice) available, please see the attached flyer for more details.
We also have financial aid available. We encourage all to apply!
If you have already submitted your Summer 2021 registration form and are in summer school OR would like to change your enrollment status please contact your Site Coordinator:
Dodds and Robert Asp- Alayna Mehlhaf- Alayna.mehlhaf@ymcacassclay.org
Ellen Hopkins and Reinertsen- Taylor Filipek- taylor.filipek@ymcacassclay.org
If you would haven’t registered for summer yet and would like to, please follow the attached link: https://www.myprocare.com/Default/Index?aWtuPTI2ODUyMDUzODUmc2NoSWQ9NA
Please let me know if you have any further questions
(P) 701 293 9622 | (D) 218 359 2329
(E) brittany.olson@ymcacassclay.org | (W) www.ymcacassclay.org