
Dear Families, 

‘Tis the season….to depart from regular schedules. Please make your best attempt to keep your children eating healthy foods, sleeping adequate hours, and coming to school dressed to battle the cold weather. We do send children outside if the weather is -10 windchill. Please be sure your children are prepared for Minnesota winters. As the holidays approach it is easy to get caught in the additional hustle and bustle and neglect our health. Thank you for being mindful of this and sending healthy, rested children to school.

During winter break, we would like for you to remember to have your child read for 20 minutes or more each day. Reading is a powerful tool for building your child’s mind. We want our families and community to help us achieve our high expectations for each student.

Facts on Attendance 

  • 2 Absences Per Month X 9 Months of School = Less Likely to Graduate from High School

  • Did you know? People with a High School diploma make more than $1,000,000 in a lifetime over those without a High School diploma.

  • A child who is 10 minutes late misses 32 hours a year of lost instruction. 

  • Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade.

Being in School everyday means your child won't miss out on learning.  Please try to schedule appointments and family trips outside of school hours. 

We want to help remove any barriers to School attendance.  Please reach out if we can help with: transportation, mental health services, bus schedule, alarm clock, or housing status.

Our hope is that each one of you have a safe and joyful winter break and take time to enjoy your family!


Robin Grooters-Principal

Nancy Wilson-Assistant Principal