Counselor's Corner

Dear Parents and Guardians,

Well, another school year is rapidly coming to an end. We were fortunate this year to be in school all year without having to move to distance learning, starting with masks and ending without. Our students have learned some valuable lessons over the last few years about flexibility, adapting to change, valuing our time together in person at school and recognizing that “we are better together.”  As this school year comes to a close, I want to thank all of the parents and guardians for making sure that their children are attending school regularly and instilling a positive attitude towards school in their children. I feel so fortunate to work with such a wonderful group of students and parents!

It’s always difficult to say “goodbye” to our students at the end of the school year. As teachers and staff, we try hard to connect with students and have closure that feels satisfying for all. We also recognize that it can be hard for students to say “goodbye” as well. Below are some ideas that may help with this as well as some books that may be helpful.

Ideas for Closure and Goodbyes 

  • Your child can write a letter or make a goodbye card for their teacher/s.

  • Your child can draw a picture of a favorite memory they had with their teacher/s.

  • Encourage your child to talk about their feelings and to ask questions.

  • Make sure their understanding of the situation is accurate.

Check out these children’s books about transitions and goodbyes:

  • The Invisible String by Patrice Karst

  • Oh No! Time to Go! A Book of Goodbyes by Rebecca Doughty

  • Andi Unexpected by Amanda Fowler

  • A Kiss Goodbye by Tonya Lippert

  • I Wish You More by Amy Krause Rosenthal


Tanya Stuhaug, School Counselor