What a fun first week meeting our kindergarteners and it was so wonderful to see the smiling faces of our returning first through fourth graders!
WOW, thank you families for supporting your child this summer with their summer reading calendars. There are so many students to recognize this week during our first SPUD meetings for the school year. Thanks for supporting and encouraging your child to read at home!
Here are a few reminders from this first week of school:
- School starts 10 minutes earlier this year, so please have your child to school no later than 7:45am. The front doors open at 7:20am.
- School is dismissed 10 minutes earlier this year at 2:30pm, so please be here to pick up your child no later than 2:35pm.
- If you are picking up your child during the school day, please bring in your driver's license or state issued ID card as we continue to use LobbyGuard to check your student out of school.
- Wednesday, September 14 is a two-hour late start, so the school day will begin at 9:45am with the front doors opening at 9:20am.
Morning Drop-Off reminders:
- Please only drop off along the curb.
- If you want to walk your child to the front doors, please park in the parking lot and then use the crosswalk to cross.
- Please be patient and drive SLOW!
Thanks for your support, help and patience as we begin this school year!
Mrs. Giddings, Principal
Hello, Ellen Hopkins families!
I really enjoyed getting to meet our amazing students during our first week of school! We all know that a fed mind is a happy mind. So I would like to share information with you about our morning and cafeteria routines here at Hopkins:
Students can enter the building at 7:20 and enjoy breakfast until 7:45. So, in order to give our students the most time to fuel their minds, please make sure there is enough time for them to eat.
Starting this week, students can enjoy a calm morning option in the orange gym where they can walk or sit and relax until 7:35. Then, at 7:35 they can go into their classrooms. This option, after breakfast, will help relax the mind and body before instruction and morning routines begin.
Please make sure your child knows their lunch number in order to give them the most time to eat breakfast and/or lunch. When we are looking up hundreds of lunch numbers a day, it affects the amount of time left for students to enjoy their food in the cafeteria.
Students will not be able to refrigerate or warm up lunches brought from home, so please select lunch options that do not require these commodities.
Thank you for your help as we continue to keep our students happy, healthy, and safe so that we can focus on their goals through daily success. Keep being awesome, Ellen Hopkins families! Go Spuds
~Amanda Mix (Assistant Principal)