**All sign-ups are on the Moorhead Community Education website**
Cross Country
*Starts September 7th and ends October 7th.
Practice is Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays after school. A great introduction to the sport of long distance running and a way to have fun with friends after school. Any and all are welcome, regardless of athletic experience. Only equipment needed is a good pair of running shoes and an even better attitude. Four to five meets are expected to be scheduled during the season.
- Contact Austin Zollner with questions. azollner@moorheadschools.org
For the first time, 5th and 6th graders can participate in after school basketball. Basketball runs from October 11-15, and October 25-29 from 4-5pm after school. Boys and girls are welcome.
- Participants will do both skill development and various games.
- We will likely schedule another 2 week spring session.
- Contact Jed Carlson with questions. jedcarlson@moorheadschools.org
Before School Gym
Come spend some time in the gym before school and start your day with fun
Phy Ed games! Mr. Tidd will run a variety of games before school on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8-9 AM
- Beginning Sept 14th.
- Sign up will be quarterly.
- Contact Casey Tidd with questions. ctidd@moorheadschools.org
Art Camp
- Contact Sam Saarion at ssaarion@moorheadschools.org OR
- Jordan Kleindl-Wadholm at jkwadholm@moorheadschools.org with questions.
**All sign-ups are on the Moorhead Community Education website**