Moorhead Area Public Schools is pleased to invite you to the second annual District Showcase event. This pre-back-to-school family event is a time to connect and experience district, school and community offerings. Help will be provided with things like paperwork, screenings, healthcare services and more. This is a great opportunity to ask all of your questions at once. Meet Moorhead families and connect with community organizations that we partner with throughout the school year. We will have food and you may even be able to snap a picture with Spuddy!
Event details:
Thursday, Aug. 10
3-6 p.m.
Moorhead High School Career Academy 2800 27th Ave S, Moorhead
Your school will also have a table. Each school will have information on:
Back-to-school day/night information
School activities and student opportunities
Student physicals will be provided for families in need for $30
Daily schedule (information on new start times and breakfast schedules )
School supply lists
PTAC (Parent-Teacher Advisory Council)
Moorhead Schools Vendors:
Food and Nutrition Services
Community Education
Adult Basic Education
Early Childhood
Health Services
Human Resources
Indian Education
Enrollment support for new families and kindergarten registration
Additionally, you’ll have the opportunity to meet community partners and learn more about out-of-school time activities through Moorhead Public Schools, Community Education and other programs available to MAPS students and families.