Despite a brutally cold January and February here in the Red River Valley, construction continued on the structures on the east side of Phase 2.
Early in January the Black Box theater had its fourth wall go up. So far, the Black Box, auditorium and the fine arts classroom area are the only Phase 2 spaces with walls, but soon this whole area will be enclosed.
With the sub-zero temperatures and occasional snowfall our region experienced in early 2025, it’s important to protect both workers and construction materials from the elements. That’s the purpose of the plastic-covered structures seen on-site throughout the winter, which eventually come down when workers move on to a new spot.
In mid-February, work started on the theater changing rooms that will go on the first floor next to the Black Box and across from the auditorium. Once the south wall was finished, the ceiling for these rooms was quickly put into place, along with that of the hallway between them and the auditorium.
Soon, we’ll be able to show you inside these areas as we progress toward the opening of Phase 2, scheduled to happen in phases throughout the 25-26 school year. Stay tuned to the district website and social channels for more updates!