Warm Winter Greetings!
Our December Theme: Caring
We are learning how important it is to care for:
Our environment
We can take care of others by recognizing how others are feeling. In kindergarten, students begin learning how to work together and be a good friend. We look at peoples:
Bodies and
Surroundings to help us know how others are feeling.
We can work together better and become better friends by paying attention to others.
In order to help others though, we FIRST need to take care of ourselves! If we aren’t in a healthy state of mind, body, and spirit, we can’t be of assistance to anyone.
We can take care of ourselves. You can help your child be their best self by:
Getting enough sleep. The Mayo Clinic Health System recommends children from 6-12 years old get 9-12 hours of sleep a night.
Eating a balanced diet of good food every 3-4 hours.
PLAYING. Kids need to move their bodies, not just on their screens AND they need to learn how to use their words to solve conflicts with others.
Practicing some nonpreferred things like chores so they understand we all have to do things we don’t like to do. We work before we play.
Learning how to relax and take a break to reset our bodies and minds.
We take care of our environment by picking up after ourselves AND OTHERS. It’s important to leave things the way we found them and maybe in an even better state than they were given. We share. We return things that aren’t ours in a timely manner. We help make our home, our neighborhood, our school and our community better places in which to live. We are all connected. Let’s take care of ourselves so we can take better care of others and the world around us.