Student working on computer

Students will have relevant and personalized education this fall as the Moorhead High School transformation begins. Hear what these Moorhead High School students are most excited about in the new Career Academy. 

Erin Herbrandson, Freshman

Erin Herbrandson would like to see new woodworking machines. Erin looks forward to more hands-on classes and experiences, in another environment from the regular school building.

Isaac Hammes, Junior

Isaac Hammes is looking forward to a variety of classes and technology. Isaac is most excited to have opportunities to access new technology and be able to have a well-suited space to learn about careers or find a new hobby.

Jade Elletson, Junior

Jade Elletson is excited for better learning experiences, and the ability to be in learning labs. 

Owen Marsden, Junior

Owen Marsden hopes to experience a more fine-tuned approach at exploring what students can go into after graduation. “I’m really excited for pretty much everything because of all of the tools we are going to have over there and technology, especially with the aviation classes because I want to be a pilot.”

Elinneus Davis, Sophomore

Elinneus Davis looks forward to experiencing more things and having more chances and opportunities to find out what you want to do after high school. Ellineus also is excited to work together with more people.

Jaydn Rieber, Junior

Jaydn Rieber is excited for better and bigger spaces for industrial classes and better equipment. “I think that the Career Academy will be good for the more hands-on classes. I'm excited for newer equipment and to see what it's gonna look like.”