A Message from Our School Counselor


Fall Greetings from Ms. Shari:

Our Weekly Word:      PURPOSEFUL

We are ending our monthly theme of Starting Strong with the weekly word, purposeful.

The definition of purposeful is: having or showing a determination or resolve, having a useful purpose or doing something with intention.

We are focusing this week on purposeful transitions in the hallways specifically at the end of the day.  When we are purposeful, we are focused, intentional and more likely to achieve our goals. 

Upon dismissal from school, students are reminded to:

  • Walk-not run 

  • Stay in line with their teachers and class whenever possible

  • Face bodies and eyes forward

  • Purposefully plan on giving others appropriate space (no pushing, shoving or weaving) so we can all get to our destinations safely. 


We began our school year talking about STARTING STRONG.  We learned about physically and mentally attending school.  We touched on positively focusing our thoughts and remaining determined, especially when we make mistakes.  Finally, this week we highlight that learning isn’t by accident. We are purposefully planning on slowing down, trying again, making small changes then asking for help when needed so we can all learn better together.  

There will be a new monthly theme coming in October which will be JAM PACKED with a TON of fun activities so STAY TUNED SGR!!! You’ll want to PURPOSELY plan for a GREAT TIME!!!  

START STRONG-Attend-Think Positively-Be Determined-Be Purposeful