SGR Families,
Happy New Year! We had a great first week of 2022. It was a bit busy at times, as well as cold, but we made it through! Some brief notes this week:
- Weather: As a district, we try to make any weather related announcements as soon as it’s feasibly prudent because we know that any delays or cancellations affect your work schedules. All announcements will be sent through an autodialer, text, email, and even on our app. Please check any/all of those if you have any questions about late starts or E-Learning days
- Winter Clothing: Whether your child is walking, bussing, or riding in a car, please verify that they have all of their necessary winter clothing with them every day. At the very minimum, all kids are outside after school is over for the day. Not all the buses are here by dismissal at 2:40, so kids have to wait outside for them. The parking lots are crowded, which also means some wait time for students. In short, all kids spend some time outside, and on days like last week it is miserable when you’re not in full gear.
- Winter Clothing, part 2: If you need any help at all getting winter clothing for your child, please email or call your teacher. We’re not Amazon with endless supplies of gear, but we do have some gear and we have some connections within the community, and we can usually make things work for families in need. Please reach out if you need help because we want your child to be warm and safe.
- Semester End: This Friday, January 14, marks the end of Semester 1. Unlike the secondary schools, nothing changes with our schedule at this time. Elementary Progress Reports will be uploaded into student documents on Friday, January 28. We don’t mail out paper copies, so you’ll need to check Powerschool to see them. We’ll send out a reminder email once they have been uploaded.
The weather looks warmer this week! As long as temps are warmer than 0 F and wind chills are warmer than -10 F at the time of recess, students will be outside playing in the snow!
Have an awesome week!
Mr. St. Louis and Mrs. Nagel, principals