Every first Thursday of the month, lunch menus throughout the Moorhead Area Public School district feature proteins and produce sourced from farms and ranches in Minnesota. These "Minnesota Thursdays" help spotlight the Food Services team's ongoing effort to offer students meals made with ingredients from local and regional suppliers. #OnceASpudAlwaysASpud Read more ➡️ https://www.isd152.org/article/1543653
MAPS would like to give a big shoutout to all the incredible media centers across the district as we celebrate #NationalLibraryWeek ! 📚#OnceASpudAlwaysASpud
Dodds second graders had special guest readers from the moorhead police department.
Each student was gifted the book Officer Buckle & Gloria by Peggy Rathmann
Thank you Officers!
Reminder there is no school April 10th
Play Bingo, Win Books!
Join us Thursday April 11 6:00-7:30
Free Family event. Join us in the gym for a night of Bingo with books as your prize.
Concessions will be available for cash only purchases.
Dorothy Dodds Elementary received a huge surprise in the main hallway last week! PTAC purchased a book vending machine and President Jenn Johnsrud stocked it with books from a variety of levels and genres.
Our Inchy Book Worm Vending machine only takes special tokens. Students can earn golden tokens for modeling “The Spud Way” outlined in our monthly character traits and Grandfather teachings. April’s focus is on cooperation and humility.
In Feburary our character trait was love and acceptance. Students who displaced these character traits were awarded spuds in action. A few student from each grade level were selected to take part in our ribbon cutting ceremony April 5th.
Dodds Donates April
Do you have new or gently used children's books you aren't using? Donate them to our book drive. We are hoping to collect enough books to have a "Free fair" so all students can bring a new to them book home for summer reading.
Take a minute to check out the April issue of KIDsource by clicking here: https://5il.co/2h5wr
For questions please call the Community Education office at 218-284-3400
There will be no school March 29th and April 1st.
Enjoy your long weekend
Take a minute to check out the Special Edition Summer Camps KIDsource by clicking here: https://5il.co/2h5l6
For questions please call the Community Education office at 218-284-3400
Join Dodds community for Skating, games and prizes. A portion of admission comes back to help support our school.
Thu, April 4th 6pm-8pm at Skate City
Admission $6 per skater
Skate Rental $3
Meal deal $4 ( hot dog, chips and small drink)
Metro COG is planning to observe student drop-off and pick-up at Moorhead Public Schools April 1-15th.
They will be at Dodds Friday April 12th
Please drop off and pick up as normal
Daylight savings time begins 3/10
Don't forget to change your clocks 1 hour ahead
Enjoy Your Spring Break
No School March 13th-15th
is a 2 hour late start
Buses will run 2 hours later than normal
Doors will open at 9:20. Students need to be in their seats ready to learn by 9:45
Dodds Donates March
We are collection hygiene items for the YMCA: Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, hand soap, shaving items, face wash, lotion and diaper cream. Trial sizes are accepted but all items must be new.
Keys to Kindergarten: April 18th, 2024 For children attending kindergarten in the fall. This is an opportunity for Kindergarten families to see their elementary school, meet staff and teachers and ask any questions or concerns you might have.
Take a minute to check out the March KIDsource by clicking here: https://5il.co/2ftdt
For questions please call the Community Education office at 218-284-3400
A leap year is a calendar year that contains an additional day compared to a common year. The 366th day is added to keep the calendar year synchronized with the astronomical year or seasonal year.
The book fair will be open during conferences.
Stop by the media center.
March 7th 4:00-7:00
March 11th 4:00-7:00
March 13th 8:00am-11:30 am