SGR is celebrating some of our staff members this month that have been recognized by colleagues for the great work they're doing! Thanks for all you do! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
"I'm so glad that Victoria is at SGR this year. I love being her teacher. She is a quick learner and has learned so much English in the short time she has been here! She works hard and carefully every day."
"Estoy muy contenta de que Victoria esté en SGR este año. Me encanta ser su maestra. ¡Aprende rápido y ha aprendido mucho inglés en el poco tiempo que lleva aquí! Ella trabaja duro y cuidadosamente todos los días."
Banner is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been so responsible at clean up time! She is the first to clean up and she is so helpful! Thanks Banner you are awesome! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Mollie is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is an amazing student! Mollie is always a hard-worker and is so determined. It shows in both her reading and math growth this year. She has become much more independent throughout this year. Keep up the work, you rock!! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Manesa is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been a wonderful student to have in fourth grade this year. She is so kind and caring to all of her classmates. Manesa has been working super hard this year in reading and math. I am so proud of you! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Amelia is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has made great gains this year! She is improving in her goals and demonstrates responsibility. She is kind, thoughtful, and a good friend. She is also very respectful. I am just so proud of her. Go Amelia! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Alec is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he has made great improvements this year! He is building responsibility at school and is dependable. He is a kind student and energetic about learning. Alec is a spud of the week because of the hard work he puts in and the positive attitude he demonstrates! I am so proud of him! Go Alec! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
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Zevar is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he has stepped out working his hardest to be a leader in my room! Zevar has adapted to his classroom environment to better promote his learning and success! Zevar has worked hard to be successful inside the classroom! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Claire is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been having a great week definitely worthy of earning Spud of the Week! She has shown great resiliency with some recent challenges she has faced. She has come to school every day this week with a smile on her face ready to learn and be a great student! We are so proud of you - keep up the great work. #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Londyn is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been crushing her reading goals in third grade! She has shown determination and a positive attitude that goes a long way! On top of accomplishing her reading goals - she is a very caring classmate to her peers. We enjoy having her at SGR! Keep up the great work Londyn! #SpudPride
Janell is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been working hard toward her goals in third grade! She has maintained a positive attitude all year and always has her classroom laughing. We love her fun personality and her willingness to help others when needed. Keep rockin' it Janell! #SpudPride
Isabella is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been doing her very best work ALL school year. Isabella strives to do her best work and is always listening to learn new skills. Isabella is also making progress as a reader! She comes to school with a smile every day and lets her sweet self shine through all day! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Robin is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is kind and welcoming to new friends. He works hard at the task at hand and is very thoughtful. He brightens other students' and teachers' days! Keep up the great work, Robin! Your energy and positive attitude are contagious! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Cameron is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is kind, welcoming, and encouraging to new friends. He works hard at the task at hand and has made improvements in his goals this year. Cameron has a positive attitude at school! Go Cameron Go! Keep up the good work! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Tucker is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he has been working hard to meet his goals at school! Tucker has made lots of progress in following teacher directions quickly, being a strong listener, and focusing on whatever task he is working on. Additionally, Tucker has a great sense of humor and always has smart, witty ideas to share! Way to go, Tucker!
Mary-Kate has had #sgrspudoftheweek behavior since the beginning of the school year! She is always kind to others and is always so willing to help out. She is always doing things around the classroom! She is an amazing leader by always being responsible and hard-working. We love having her in the classroom and at SGR! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Ms. Bjerke has known Louis for a few years now. He is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is such a caring, loving great friend and big brother. He is sensitive in the best way possible. He is one kid that deserves it the most! Thank you for your kindness, Louis! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Abdi is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is consistently brings a positive and uplifting energy to our classroom. His humor lightens the mood and creates a more enjoyable learning environment for all of his classmates! He also demonstrates a strong sense of empathy by always making an effort to make sure all of his classmates feel heard and welcomed! Keep it up! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Derick is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he has been following all of the 4 B's! He is an active leader in the classroom and will stop whatever he is doing to help a friend! We are so lucky to have Derick in our classroom! #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere
Lorenzo is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is a generous student. Even though he was not going to be able to participate in an activity the class was doing, he wanted the class to go ahead anyway and enjoy it instead of waiting for him. He also works hard and is kind and respectful to everyone in his class. #SpudPride #LifelongLearningStartsHere