Elsayab is an #sgrspudoftheweek because he is doing such a great job remembering our school rules coming back from winter break! Great Job! #SpudPride

Here is a special shout out to some awesome patrol students who help with crossing guard at SGR! Thank you Lorelei, Hayden, Reagan, and Kylie for helping our students stay safe as they cross the street. Keep being awesome!

Michelle is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been doing a nice job of following the 4 Be's and being a hard worker. Keep up the good work, Michelle! #SpudPride

Ava is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been doing an awesome job getting back into routines after break. She has been doing her best and engaging herself in all activities. Ava's participation in class has been tremendous! Keep is up, Ava! We are so proud of you! #SpudPride

Stella is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is always thinking deeply about questions being asked. Stella gives a lot of detail in her work and puts effort into all that she does. Stella is a great "teacher" to her peers when collaborating. Wonderful work, Stella! #SpudPride

Max is an #sgrspudoftheweek and was nominated by his classmates! Max listens to kids read to him every day! They love when they see him in the hallway- especially when he's riding his bike! They think he's pretty cool and feel lucky to have Max in their class! #SpudPride

David is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he brings so much fun to SGR with his goofy and bright personality, David enhances conversations with his knowledge and fact information! Along with his kindness and respect, he makes SGR a better place! #SpudPride

Harry is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is a great example of following the four BEs! He shows integrity by always doing the right thing, kindness/respect to everyone, and always gives his best effort, and asks for help when he needs it. Harry is a great leader! #SpudPride

Olive is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is so kind and friendly to her classmates and teachers. She goes out of her way to help and include others. We are so lucky to have her in our class and at SGR! Keep being awesome, Olive! #SpudPride

Aleena is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she is ALWAYS working her hardest in school and is an awesome friend to others. People very much enjoy being her! Stay awesome Aleena! #SpudPride

Kenza is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been exhibiting great leadership skills in the classroom and outside on the playground. She offers encouragement and is a great friend! Way to go Kenza! #SpudPride

Bek is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he has been participating and working hard to grow as a learner. Bek is super helpful! He offers support to others when they need a helping hand. Thank you for being awesome, Bek! #SpudPride

Ruby is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is a fantastic learner! She does everything with such JOY and PASSION! She is thriving in all the learning we do. Ruby comes to school with a great attitude and holds it throughout the day. We are proud of you, Ruby! #SpudPride

Connor is a #sgrspudoftheweek because he is a hard worker and always being respectful, responsible and kind! Congratulations, Connor! We are so proud of you! #SpudPride

Claire is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is always doing the right thing and following our rules and expectations. Way to go, Claire! Thank you so much for being a leader! #SpudPride

Delilah is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she is such a hard worker and is always doing her best! We are so proud of you, Delilah! Keep being awesome! #SpudPride

Odyn is an #sgrspudof the week as he has been following directions and completing his work on time in the classroom. He has been very focused and polite and we can tell he is really trying his best! Way to go Odyn! #SpudPride

Take a minute to check out the January KIDsource by clicking here: https://5il.co/2bm17
For questions please call the Community Education office at 218-284-3400

Miata is an #sgrspudoftheweek because she is a great classmate, a super hard worker, and kind! Miata is always up for anything. Keep being awesome Miata and way to go on being Spud of the Week! #SpudPride

Priya is a #sgrspudoftheweek because she has been doing an amazing job being responsible, respectful and kind. She helps others and has the most caring heart. Priya shares positive advice helps others feel confident. Priya is a HUGE bucket filler! We are proud of you! #SpudPride